The Science Of Getting Rich

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Programme Overview

  • 17 Sessions.
  • Call Every 2nd Week – Sessions Spanning 3 Weeks.
  • Comprehensive Workbook (210 pages).
  • Access To Thinking Into Results/Lead The Field Community And Calls* (*If Previous Student).

At Jamie McBrearty Coaching, we believe that "The Science Of Getting Rich" will work for you only if you commit fully. To get the most out of this transformative experience, set aside at least 3-4 hours each week for study. Even better, make it a daily habit to dive into these materials. It's the consistent practice of applying the right principles that will propel you towards the success you desire in every area of your life. Let's embark on this journey together and create the future you want!


This Isn’t Hoping And Wishing … This Is Science

"The Science Of Getting Rich" programme offers comprehensive resources to help you achieve financial success and personal growth. It includes a full course (£7,900 value), a one-year access to the Streaming Club with weekly lessons from Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher (£940 value), a 210-page digital workbook to internalise success principles (£395 value), daily six-minute videos with tips on wealth and wellbeing (£275 value), a guide to planning your success (£154 value), and insights from 50 years of experience to win the mental game (£118 value).

Book This Programme Today

Enjoy More Abundance, Joy And Wealth Without Working Harder Or Giving Up All Of Your Time

"The Science Of Getting Rich" is a comprehensive program offered by the Proctor Gallagher Institute, designed to teach individuals how to achieve wealth and abundance by understanding universal laws and principles. The program covers 17 sessions, each focusing on different aspects of wealth creation, from mindset to action.

This approach highlights the importance of aligning one's self-image with success and creating predictable outcomes by mastering the science behind it. For those seeking a structured path to financial freedom, this program provides practical tools and techniques to manifest wealth in all areas of life.

Book A Call
  • Session 1: The Right To Be Rich
  • Session 2: The Science Of Getting Rich
  • Session 3: Is Opportunity Monopolised?
  • Session 4: The First Principle
  • Session 5: Increasing Life
  • Session 6: How Riches Come To You
  • Session 7: Gratitude
  • Session 8: Thinking In A Certain Way
  • Session 9: How To Use The Will
  • Session 10: Further Use Of The Will
  • Session 11: Acting In A Certain Way
  • Session 12: Effective Action
  • Session 13: Getting Into The Right Business
  • Session 14: The Impression Of Increase
  • Session 15: The Advancing Person
  • Session 16: Some Cautions And Concluding Observations
  • Session 17: A Summary Of The Science of Getting Rich

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Jamie Mcbrearty Coaching

Welcome to Jamie McBrearty Coaching, where you can discover experiences that will help you or your organisation achieve your goals.

Affinity Business Centre, Harrison Rd, Dundee, DD2 3SN

[email protected]

07816 884306
